The 21st edition of MECSPE at Bologna Fiera ended in a great success, with a  52% turnout increase compared to 2022, for a total of 59,845 professional visitors.

For SDM Measuring Instruments, which has participated for many years to this exhibition of paramount importance for the Italian manufacturing industry, it was another precious opportunity to meet both existing and new clients.

This gave us the chance to deal with topics of utmost interest for our partners, such as their specific needs, or their growth and innovation goals for the future.

Even more so this year, we designed and developed our stand to make it a suitable place for discussing professional issues, while allowing our visitors to meet us in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

For the stand design and development we partnered with Allestidea, a company known for creatively developing innovative stands, which supported us in achieving our goal in a careful and timely manner.

In such a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, we showed the services offered by our calibration lab.This year, with put a particular focus on the Accredia LAT accredited calibrations, a topic about which we believe companies should be more informed and aware.

Another topic we discussed at the exhibition, having a crucial value in this edition’s Mecspe programme, was training and education. For many years, our lab has made investments to provide our partners with a professional training programme in metrology, intended for technical staff and held by expert and qualified teachers.

Our company goal has always been to support other companies by offering a range of services to identify and solve any specific need. Thus, our growth, training, and innovation efforts are still focusing in this direction.

In conclusion, we can say that this year’s Mecspe has brought great results to our lab, so we would like to thank again all the people who came visit us at our stand.

Below you will see a few pictures of our stand and some moments captured during this year’s three-day Mecspe exhibition.

At this link you can read the Mecspe press release, including their final considerations of this year’s edition.