ACCREDIA LAT Certified Calibrations, SDM Measuring Intruments - Lab LAT N 142

ACCREDIA LAT certified calibrations are an indispensable value

As the LAT Calibration Centre N° 142 complying with standard UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, and thanks to the accreditation issued by ACCREDIA, we are able to guarantee our lab’s technical competence to perform the calibrations listed in our accreditation table, available at our website’s dedicated page, under Accreditations, or on the ACCREDIA website.

The constant monitoring performed by ACCREDIA on our calibration centre also serves as a guarantee for a number of characteristics:

  • correctness of our calibration processes,
  • competence and impartiality of our lab staff,
  • suitability of our lab’s ambient conditions,
  • suitability of the samples used to perform measurements,
  • correctness of the necessary operating procedures to ensure the quality of results,
  • measurement traceability to national and international samples of the measurement units of the International System of Units.

Measuring and monitoring instruments play a crucial role in a company’s manufacturing process, i.e. to ensure the suitability and quality of marketed products. Thus, it is necessary that all instruments are efficient and have a proportionally suitable error according to the tolerances of the unit to be tested or to what they need to attest.

Since each measuring and monitoring instrument is affected by a deterioration of its initial error, both through usage and over time, it is essential to ensure the instrument error is always appropriate for its intended use.

As a LAT ACCREDIA accredited centre, we recommend that our clients choose calibrations that are covered by a LAT ACCREDIA accreditation, to ensure their quality, as well as that all primary aforementioned requirements are met.

Choosing this type of service brings a few benefits to a company, allows them to increase their quality level, as well as that of their end customers, who are granted additional excellence, safety, and quality guarantees.

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0574 669208


08.30-12.30 / 13.30-17.30



0574 669208


08.30-12.30 / 13.30-17.30